公司主创团队是由知名外企的资深营销高管和多位博士所组成。核心研发团队有多名化工材料、高分子、催化博士,拥有10余项发明专利,致力于开发各类环保新材料,包括处理有机废气催化燃烧的催化剂、VOCs沸石(分子筛)吸附剂等一批自主研发生产的新型产品。公司凭借训练有素的运营团队、先进的加工装备,和科学的管理理念,赢得了用户广泛的认可,公司知名度不断提升。 The company's founder is composed of senior marketing expert and several doctors from well-known foreign companies. The core R&D team has several of experts who focus on new materials including VOCs catalyst, zeolites adsorbent, polymers. We have more than 10 invention patents and is committed to the development of new types of environmental protection materials. It makes the possibility to offer stable product with high quality. We won more and more confirmation from customers due to highly efficient operation and advanced technology.
创新,将新技术转化为生产力,是斐腾科技的核心竞争力,凭借对新材料和环保行业的深刻理解,斐腾科技将新材料与环保应用相结合,将先进的新技术和丰富的产品开发经验相结合,长期立足于该领域的产品研究与开发,不断推出更多更好的产品,为用户提供简单、方便、安全、实用的环保新材料解决方案。 Innovation is the core of F-Tech which can transfer new technology to new products. R&D team is continuously focusing on digesting and absorbing international environmental protection technologies and develops new product concepts. Our aim is to offer package solution to solve environmental problem which is simple, safe and high efficiency.